
Sophia and Hikaru part 3 last

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Slowly Hikaru was coming back to his senses. He felt like he was flying briefly until he hit the ground hard, jolting him back from his raging hunger. His side and shoulder still stung but the bleeding had stopped and it looked mostly healed. He didn’t remember drinking, but not remembering was a side effect of rage thirst. Hikaru’s ear twitched and he quickly dodged the arrow that then hit the ground and disappeared. He then turned to his right and immediately froze in fear. Sophia… he thought as he stared at the big Black wolf in front of him. It looked exactly like her except now she was bigger than him and her weapon was gone. In horror he watched as the arrow that just disappeared, reappeared next to her with the other three.
Sophia moved her head down low and let out a fierce snarl and Hikaru saw it. Blood stained her fur and he realized what he had done but there was no time to feel guilty as all four arrows flew at him. He ran but one struck him in the right arm before it vanished. He knew he just had to get away as this was her bezerk form and she couldn’t control it. Hikaru was thankful for his supernatural speed but in the same, Sophia was a wolf, she was in bezerk mode and running on all fours.
I’m going to die…or… Hikaru thought as Sophia was right on his tail. She leaped trying to close the distance but he turned to her right landing a swift kick in the side throwing her to the ground. Maybe not. He didn’t watch her get up but instead ran back the way they came, remembering something forgotten. Halfway there she was already closing in as a few arrows flew, barely missing him. She was a better shot when she was focused. Hikaru searched briefly until he caught sight of the little guy. Lucian was waiting patiently for Sophia to calm down in a tree. When Hikaru tried to get him down however, he refused and growled at him.
A deep howl sounded, followed by more arrows, one of which hit Hikaru’s leg then vanished as he hit the ground. Sophia moved in swiftly, snarling as Hikaru tried to regain his balance on one leg while holding the tree Lucian was on. It was a worthless attempt as Sophia lunged at him, knocking him to the ground hard. As she went to close her jaws around his throat, something slammed into her and all Hikaru heard was a mix of whines and snarls. Looking up at the scene his heart nearly stopped. Larka and Sophia were locked in a death match, neither one backing down or breaking away. The smell of blood was strong and all he could do was watch. After a while they broke off trying to regain composure and think on where to strike next. Both wolves were bloodied up pretty badly and both looked severely wounded.
Hikaru watched as his mother was fixing to strike again, but then hesitated when Sophia suddenly stood on two legs and looked dazed. Larka moved forward slightly and an arrow flew, making her step back again. This time the arrow stuck and stayed as the other three vanished and Sophia’s body changed. Black fur became silver and white again and her form became smaller. Sophia collapsed unconscious and Hikaru watched horrified as Larka walked over to her ready to kill.
“Please don’t!” he cried as he pushed himself up and forced himself to them.
Lucian ran past him and nuzzled up under Sophia, growling at the approaching Larka.
“I’m sorry Hikaru, but it would be better if she joined her clan.”
Larka bent down to grab Sophia’s scruff, but Hikaru painfully but quickly closed the distance and growled. “You will not harm her, mother.”
“Stand down son,” Larka said with the voice of an Alpha trying to make him obey.
Hikaru felt her will pressing on him and the wolf blood in him wanting to obey, but what he felt for Sophia combined with the vampire blood in him made him want to break off and go his own way. And so he did.
With renewed strength in his own voice, he replied, “You will not touch her.”
It took Larka all she had not to show the sadness in her eyes. Her little boy had broken from her pack and she felt it in her heart.
“As you wish. You are always welcomed back you know. I will never turn you away my son or your children should she be your mate.”
Hikaru smiled tiredly, “Thank you, mom, now let me get her home.”
Saying farewells, Larka and Hikaru went separate ways. Hikaru took Sophia and Lucian back to the cabin and cleaned her wounds, hesitating on her neck. He felt like a storm was coming when she woke and he was dreading every moment of it.

Sophia woke with a start and immediately took in her surroundings. Lucian was laying next to her asleep, she was in Hikaru’s cabin and Hikaru was across from her in a chair. She felt every cut as she moved her head and winced, letting out a low growl. Hikaru’s eyes slowly opened and he spoke, “Hey.”
Sophia snorted, “You didn’t kill me?”
Hikaru frowned, “No. I came back to my senses and you…well you were different. Ryuko had flown off somewhere and you became a black wolf.”
Sophia was shocked that her bezerk would awaken then and that he was still alive. She’d given up on Ryuko when she realized that he wasn’t a dragon, but rather he used to be and that his bezerk was a piece of his old self. If no one disturbed him, he wouldn’t change like that.
“How are you still alive?”
Hikaru chuckled a bit, “Well…you shot and hit me, a few times. Then you and Larka fought until you changed back. She wanted to kill you but…”
“I couldn’t let that happen.”
Sophia’s heart hurt at those words. She couldn’t trust him despite what her heart said and what she felt right then in her abdomen. She didn’t trust him and that was a major factor in her next statement.
“Why not? You almost killed me yourself.”
Hikaru flinched, the pain of that hurting more than his wounds. “I’m sorry. When a vampire gets too hungry…they lose control until they feed. For me it’s a bit harder to do but I lost a lot of blood and I…didn’t know it was you. I never want to hurt you please believe that.”
Sophia felt a sudden pain and suddenly said, “Where do I stay for the night?”
Hikaru sighed, “You can have my room, I’ll stay in here.” I’ll talk with her in the morning I guess. he thought as he watched her walk away while noticing her stomach looked fluffier, but he didn’t know why.
Sophia quickly made her way to his room ignoring his goodnight and instead curling up on the bed. A few hours pass and she awakens in pain realizing in horror what was happening. About thirty minutes go by and the first egg is laid. No…no no I need to get out of here. She immediately readied herself and let a concerned Lucian on her back before looking back at the egg. She couldn’t carry it with her…she’d have to leave it with him. Another pain hit her as she pulled the blankets around the egg to keep it warm before leaving out through the window in his room. She hit the ground and ran as fast as she could with the pains making her stop every now and then. Finally after some time she collapsed and another was born but it wasn’t over yet. She felt one more but she couldn’t move. As she lay there, sounds of wings made her growl and she looked up into a handsome white face covered in messy wind blown hair.
“Oh dear, we should get you to safety.”
Last part of the short!
Shorts are a rushed version of a story to me so sorry if it's quick paced!

All characters belong to me except the last! The winged child belongs to PandorasPrison <3
Species by talon
© 2018 - 2024 Koma-inu
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